It has been over 3 years since I've been out here to visit my sister. I missed her and this city. It's gorgeous and the people are amazing! After I got off the plane, I took my first subway ride to the main airport terminal! Crystal and I had a long talk on the way to The Fillmore Auditorium where she works. We discussed my nervousness about visiting her. It was a rather emotional discussion but I left with some reassurance that she still loves me as her brother and her bitterness towards me won't change that. But I'm still a little ways from getting past that hurdle completely. She is too. She has always been one of my biggest role models. She taught me multiplication when I was a kid, she brought me out of a lot of my closed-minded views towards life and her example has helped mold me into who and what I am today. I love my sister unconditionally and I hope that one day we'll be able to put the bitterness in the past and be more than just brother and sister. I really want to be her friend!
We got to The Fillmore where she works in accounting. I met a ton of her co-workers and friends. They are all mostly very funny and outgoing. I felt very accepted all night. And I met about 4-5 gay men and a few gay women as well. Very interesting people. I don't have the words to explain how interesting the night was! I was promptly presented with an All Access pass for the Social Distortion concert that was going on and I got free drinks all night. I was told that my pass was very rare and would've granted me access to the stage itself right next to the guitarist if I wanted! I was a true VIP last night and I felt like it the whole time! This place is amazing. The city, the people, the lifestyles.....it's a true culture shock! And I honestly don't want to leave!
I'm pressed for time today so I have to skip my usual elaborations for now. Today Crystal and I have spent the whole day so far laying around, watching movies and stuffing our faces. Next on the evening's agenda: take-out food and raiding her well-stocked bar! She's a certified bartender by the way! Oh and if you should find yoursaelf in a situation where this info would be useful, in this region of the country, the altitude has nasty effects on your alcohol tolerance and speed to intoxication. And you can't skimp on drinking plenty of fluids, ESPECIALLY when you've been drinking and/or smoking. Us midwesterners will shrivel into nothing in NO TIME here due to the extreme humidity difference. They have almost none! So consider yourselves warned!
Minor mentions for Saturday: Crystal's roommate has a really cool dog named Tucker and we're fast becoming friends and Laura called and broke the news this afternoon that she is dating Rich, a guy who I very highly approve of and I cannot express how happy I am for them both!
And today I love eyedrops, Brita-filtered water and my outlawed mind!