The flight
I took my laptop with me figuring I could write a little of an entry about my flight. It's a day late, but I didn't have an internet connection until today. Oh and I was almost late to the airport too! I planned to wake up at 9:30 Friday morning but I overslept until 11:00, still had to get a haircut and had to be at the airport by 1:00 (45 minute drive). The flight was scheduled to take off at 2:15. Not a good start to the day, especially after I discovered that my flight itinerary number ended in 666! Anyway, takeoff was delayed 45 minutes so I ended up being just fine.
Here's my pre-recorded entry from the flight:
I'm sitting in the airport at the moment. Security was insane. I got a full search, wanding and pat down. I felt a little weird but I wasn't going to give them any problems. The guy was pretty cool and gave me the obligatory, awkwardness-suppressing question "Is the weather nice outside?" I got a good laugh out of that. Eventually I'll pull my dad's famous airport baggage check joke on somebody. You walk up to the baggage check counter and say, "I'm flying to Denver but I want one bag to go to Washington DC and the other to Detroit." Of course the attendant will say something along the lines of "I'm sorry sir, but we can't do that." And the punchline comes when you reply, "Why not, you did it the last time I flew!" :) Yes, I know I'm a dazzling wit! Please hold your applause and just throw money! I'm here for your amusement as always!
Time to grow some balls today? Hmmm. Maybe. I just found out that we are both catching connecting flights at Midway at 3:15. She seems rather friendly! I'll elaborate more on this later!
Damn, my flight has been delayed 35 minutes so far. I shouldn't be surprised at this coming from an airline that recently declared bankruptcy! Oh well! Time to power down for now but I have a 75 minute layover at Midway. Plenty of time for an update!
So I'm actually on the plane this time. Interesting. Never had a long enough flight or the technology on hand to be able to use my computer on a flight. My plane from Indy landed late which severely cut into my layover time so I had no time to make an entry from Chicago. I'm currently experiencing the longest sunset I've ever seen! We are flying west apparently at a speed where the sun can't beat the plane over the horizon. The sun has been in the same place for about the last 45 minutes or so. It's really not that big of a deal or anything; it's just a cool phenomenon.
I met an interesting guy while boarding my flight. He's an insurance salesman about my age. He and his wife are on their way to Denver to check out the possibility of moving out there to assume management of the Colorado area for his company. He's about my age and he has 2 kids. It's pretty cool to listen to other people's life stories and how things worked out (or didn't work out) for them. Of course it has never really been much of a secret that I'm a self-proclaimed student of human nature.
I should really get a new battery for my damn laptop. This thing is gonna die soon I think. It says I have 62% battery life remaining but apparently that only equates to about 35 minutes of use. Oh well. I'm due to land in Denver Int'l in about 20-30 minutes anyway.
Oh yeah, and I didn't talk to her. She was on a different flight connecting in the same Chicago airport but apparently she was going to some other city because I didn't see her anywhere in the Midway concourse. Figures....I always screw up and wait too long. I blow my chance about 95% of the time. I REALLY need to work on that! Oh well.
So that's it for in-flight. My sister and I had a long talk on the trip home from the airport. But more on that later.
And I love airport hotties (there were crawling all over all 3 airports), slow sunsets and my outlawed mind!