OK. Time to rethink things a tad. After careful review of the blogger.com terms of service, I quickly decided to take down the former entry that occupied this spot. However, since some of you got the chance to see it (If you didn't just send me an email!), I DID get threatened with legal action. Didn't even take an hour! But no matter. I got my point across and my journal is not going to be in jeopardy. So all is well.
The text message I received shortly after publication of the original "Releasing" went something like this.
"I suggest u take yours & the whore's slander about off your blog immediately. u sunk 2 low & i WILL stand up 2 scum like u!"
Knowing her the way I do, that meant she was going to stop at nothing to have the last word, so rather than cause myself the headache, I decided to just give in. Besides, it's all in good fun!
I did correct her use of the term slander. In print it's actually libel. Here is a link to a website that will show that she wouldn't have had a case against me anyway if she decided to try and take it to legal matters. http://www.cyberlibel.com/libel.html
Anyway, what's done is done and I have work to do so I must be going now.
P.S. You've already begun the cheap shots in retaliation to my post. I apologize if you feel that you were wronged. Sadly, you have agreed with several of the points I made on many occasions while begging for my friendship back. Oh well. But, all joking aside, if you make one more comment like "Well you can't even do algebra!", I WILL turn your life upside down. You know that I can. We have discussed too many ways that I could just ruin you. I am going to propose that we call a truce, once and for all. I want nothing to do with you and I am sure that now you want nothing to do with me. How convenient! So I'll behave so long as you drop it. If I get so much as one obscene phone call in the middle of the night, one more belittling remark, one flat tire or any other reason to believe that you are attemptinig in any way to exact your own revenge, all bets are off. You may pride yourself on outsmarting many, but you won't get anything over on me. Trust me, you're safest bet is to let it go and call it a day. It won't kill you! Besides, part of you knows that you had this coming. You've said it yourself: you can only bottle shit up for so long before it comes flying out! It's over and done with. You know you deserved a tongue-lashing. Mark this up as such and move on. Come after me, and there will be hell to pay! You've been warned! Unnecessarily, I hope!