Thanksgiving in review
There are definitely several different kinds of family. Today I sit here, not really sure what day it is, not really sure what time it is and not really sure how much sleep I've had over the course of the past 36 hours. But that doesn't matter. Some would call me an overachiever. Some would call me unnecessarily dedicated when it comes to my job (especially when I'm still new to it). In the past 36 hours I have worked 2 job sites, given 3 rides to/from work and paid one of my officers $35 for cab fare to get home at 1:30 AM when his car broke down in Greenwood. I didn't see my family at all yesterday. All I had were my employees basically. And the only sense of family I had was the teamwork they displayed when they all pulled together to cover over 150 hours worth of holiday work with only half the manpower available to handle that kind of workload. I'm sure no one really cares about or understands the kind of dedication it takes to work 40 hours of security in under three days for a measly $9/hr on and around THANKSGIVING, no less. But I can't count the number of people who did it for me. And they did it because I was down there "in the dirt" with them, leading by example. No one may see that as a big deal. Some may think I'm just bragging, but the truth is, I'm proud of myself for being the kind of leader that I always wished I could have worked for when I was an underling, so to speak. And I know that it will be rewarding in the end because after only a week and a half trying to fill the shoes of my predecessor with whom most of my officers had an admirable rapport, I have earned just as much if not more professional respect from them as he did in 9 years! Oh yeah and my boss is rather impressed as well! :)
Anyway, I would like to show my thankfullness to a few people who have recently had an impact on me. Some people may feel that they were left out when they see that their name was not included, so, that said, I'm going to offer a catch-all "thank you" to all my friends and family ahead of time. Although I may not have time to write a full custom expression just for each of you, I am just as thankful for each of you as well.
Emily: While our time together was short-lived and ill-timed, she has not forgotten me. While I may unintentionally exaggerate this, she recently confessed to me that over the past several months, she has suffered quietly without me in her life. For all she knew, I could have been dating someone, engaged or even married by now, but she still held a place for me in her heart all this time. Many may never know how good it feels to be missed, loved or sincerely remembered even when you are completely absent. But this is the first time that I have had it happen to me. And I can't describe how important and special it makes you feel! I'm meeting her later today after she gets off work. I'm seriously looking forward to it!
Avon: I never thought twice about how lucky I was that I never got one of those phone calls that began with "Hey man, just wanted to let you know I'm leaving for Iraq!". That was until I got one! "Avon" John Lyndsey is a forward observer in the Army Reserves I believe. Could be the National Guard but I'm not in the military so I get those two confused a lot. Forward observers are the guys way up front who are the first to locate the enemy and give away their position. Needless to say, the crosshairs find their way to these guys first. Am I afraid for John? Sure I am. Not to belittle his sense of patriotism, courage or even manliness. He takes extreme pride in his military duty. I recall the time he came upon an off-duty military officer wearing his BDU hat backwards if I remember correctly. John didn't hesitate to approach the officer, apologize in advance for the confrontation, and correct his disrespect of the military uniform. If he is scared, you'd never know it. "You gotta do what you gotta do.", he would say about being called up for deployment. An admirable and dedicated soldier even in my non-military opinion. But beyond that, he is also a more-than-respectable family man. With an ill wife, 3 year-old daughter, outrageous medical bills and a 60+ hour per week painting business to run, he doesn't even realize what an inspiration he surely is (or SHOULD be) to those who know him well. A role model among husbands. A leader among fathers. A hero among men! I am proud to call this man my friend and I wish him well overseas. Fight like I know you will! But come home safe to us all! God speed!
On a lighter note - Deanndra: She simply MUST be mentioned here because she got Dave Smiley to call me this morning! Totally made my day! Yes, I am aware that I am a dork. But he is practically the most amusing radio morning show host that I have heard! It was awesome! Thanks Dee Dee!!!!!
And for today's fan list, I love Superfat Mikey (yes I know he's not on the Smiley show, but he's such a tool!!!), the PA speaker on my company car (as long as Jason doesn't get ahold of it in the middle of downtown Greenfield!) and my outlawed mind!