The Axe Effect
Some of you may be familiar with my interesting yet sad sexual history! Well everything that I ever knew about intimacy came to a screeching halt last night. In short, I had one of the most amazing, erotic and satisfying (emotionally AND physcially) sexual encounters last night with a certain young woman who shall remain nameless (even though she doesn't read my journal!). I've known her for quite awhile, we've both known that we sort of had a thing for each other (her longer than me I learned) and we don't see each other very often at all. We talk on the phone sporadically and that about sums up our relationship.
Last night, I treated my friend John (who is Iraq-bound this coming Monday) to dinner and drinks at Hooters! I know a few of the waitresses there and "my girl" came along as well. Long story made short, we had several beers at Hooters, the night then proceeded to John's house where we played some drinking games and then I drove "my girl" back to Greenfield. We were both buzzin' fairly well but not drunk. Anywho, she had dropped hints all night that she didn't want to go home that night and would rather stay with me instead. We made it home around 11:00 PM. I made it to sleep around 2:30 AM. For 3 hours I was lost in this girl. I don't have the words to describe it right off hand, but it was amazing. I sat at my desk today at work completely unproductive. I could not force my mind to focus on anything but her. Her smile, her laugh......yes I am aware that I sound like a smut-novel or something. Oh fucking well! It's worth it!
And may I add a sidenote here....Axe body spray is the shit! Have you heard of "the axe effect"? It's the coined phrase now used to describe the theoretical onslaught of women that you will encounter while wearing Axe body spray. It works! I've been using this stuff for a week.....and everyday it gets noticed! And not just a casual, "hey you smell good".....more like they grab your shirt and climb onto you and bury their face in your neck practically!!! Great stuff. I wear Tsunami if anyone wants the recommendation!
And for Hump Day, I love Strong-Bad Emails, "women with a plan"! and my outlawed mind!