The Outlawed Mind
The fan list post
So everyone has undoubtedly by now realized that I close 95% of my posts with what I call my "fan list". It's a list of 3 things that I really like, one of which is always "my outlawed mind" (of course!). Sometimes it's sarcastic, sometimes it's purpose-driven, sometimes it's just for fun but it's always there as my signature trend in almost all of my posts. So I figured it's time to make a post dedicated to my fan list. So here's an expanded version.

I love...

1. My job!

2. Axe Tsunami body spray

3. Homemade potato chips at Shallo's

4. Cheap wine

5. Women with accents

6. Thunderstorms

7. Hoodies

8. People who mimic or copy after me (imitation is the highest form of flattery after all!)

9. Motorcycles (or speed in general)

10. Knowing that I am successful

11. Pictures on

12. Cold weather

13. Big asses!

14. "It's Happy Bunny"

15. Jennifer Aniston

16. Road trips

17. "Get that bitch a sammich!"

18. Getting "shmammied!"

19. Jenny's hormones!

20. My Outlawed Mind!!!



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