The continuing battle
Many of the readers of this blog already know that I constantly face accusations that I am gay. I've spent some time pondering this fact. I've even gone as far as to step outside the box and really question my sexuality on more than one occasion. I've done some serious soul-searching about certain guys I have met. Bottomline is: I'm not gay. I'm just open-minded. Moreso maybe than most people. I can definitely see why many people mistake me as gay. I can see why some are absolutely certain that I am and are just waiting patiently for me to come out (I think even my own mother fits into this category). Either way, I'm very satisfied in my certainty about my sexuality and I don't pay much attention to the "little people" anymore...
But I would hate to disrupt the usual flow of misinterpretations!
I've realized lately that some of the most interesting blogs I have come across are authored by gay men. And I am extremely intrigued by their perspectives, let alone amused by their writing style in most cases. So I am compiling a separate list of my favorites and listing them separate from my other blog links.
I mean, with a collection of links to blogs containing post titles such as "Gays of our lives" and "I don't care how straight you are", how could I ever be flamed?
Wait, was that a gay pun?!?!