The Outlawed Mind
Ferraris and moose (or mooses if you prefer)
I have never posted a dialogue from an outside conversation before but this one seemed too amusing not to share!

A conversation between my neurotic friend Greg and myself earlier today:

Greg: I just don't wanna sit in another Ferrari.
Me: Ferrari??????
Greg: expression I made up
Me: I think I get it
Me: But clarify anyway
Greg: It's like when you go to an exotic car dealership and sit in a Ferrari...
Greg: You really want it...
Greg: And you think about it...
Greg: It's perfect...
Greg: But sitting in it is as close as you'll ever get.
Greg: So hanging out with a girl you really like that you can't have is like sitting in a Ferrari.
Me: Let alone that you look really out of place in a 6-figure vehicle when you're an unattractive, broke-ass bum with a shitty job and a low-class life...
Greg: ...oh yeah, that too

Anyway, so I must thank Jen for jumping on the bandwagon of loyal "outlaw" followers! Jen is from Canada. So of course the mouse-over text on her link (yes I'm linking to her, naturally!) will probably include the word "aboot". But until I get her link added permanently, I'll put one in this post.

I can't think of any clever uses for the word 'aboot' right now...but soon!



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