Radio station inspiration
I woke up at 6:00 AM this morning and, of course, my favorite radio morning show was on. Everyday they do a segment called "Top 3 things you need to know". It's basically a top three list of news headlines. Some are very bizarre, some are very noteworthy and some are just plain hysterical. One of today's top three caught my attention. Unfortunately, I can't find an internet link to prove that this story is real. I've googled my heart out and couldn't find a headline about it anywhere. But the story went like this:
"A diabetic man from Germany recently vacationed in Costa Rica. Soon after his arrival, however, he noticed that his left foot was swelling quite a bit. Being a diabetic, he had been through this problem before and promptly visited the local hospital for some aspirin, which normally remedies such problems for diabetics. However, the medical staff believed that the problem was much more serious. They then proceeded to dose the man with drugs which knocked him out. Two days later the man came to in a Costa Rican airport with his left leg amputated below the knee and $375 missing from his wallet replaced by a receipt from the hospital for the surgery...."
The story goes on to explain the further complications the man has had since this calamity. In point of fact, the man suffered blood poisoning as a result of the surgery.
If no one else has dibs yet, I'm definitely buying the movie rights for this one!
In other news...(I've always wanted to say that!), the same local radio station also has a promotion going on where their listeners can call in and get a "listener number" to make their committment to that particular morning show more "official". Every time they distribute 1,000 listener numbers, they hold a promotional event for it and call it "The _,000 Listener Party". I think their last one was 8,000 if memory serves me correctly. Anywho, I've decided to take a similar route and hold a "Visitor Party" everytime I cross another thousand visitors to my blog. My first 1,000 is fast approaching! Time to prepare the guest list!
In reference to the recent IP-Relay calls I have received, I've decided that it is not, in fact, the CIA who is behind this. The messages are just screaming KGB! I mean, the CIA would at least know to dial the right number. And Russia is well-known for having far too many underground operatives and disbanded separatists anyway. "I will moon you like Randy Moss"? Come on, how does this not just reek of communism-esque humor?
I don't know how this happened, but I've had Hilary Duff's song "Let the Rain Fall Down" stuck in my head all morning. And I wonder why people sometimes question my sexuality!
No fan list today. I've decided I need a new trademark for my posts. So here's the official goodbye to the fan lists!