The Outlawed Mind
Student of human nature
I have been a student of human nature for many years now. When I was 15, I suffered from clinical depression, withdrew from family and friends, "ran with the wrong crowd", used drugs and eventually became suicidal. I was admitted to a local psychological health facility for 8 days where I underwent the biggest turning point in my life. I became self-sufficient, strong-willed and developed the extreme basics of my doctrine for life (of course, not overnight). In the past 2 years or so, I have learned to be very open-minded and to take assumptions with a grain of salt. In theory, the possibilities to expand the mind are endless, yet humans, for the most part, prefer to just live within the confines of universal ideology. But we won't dive into the details of what makes me tick, so to speak.

Recently I have taken up an interest in Astrology. I'm not into horoscopes or anything and I don't look at Astrology as a spiritual religion. I don't read Tarot cards or claim to be all-knowing/all-seeing. But I find Astrology (particularly the Zodiac sun signs) to be a profoundly intriguing guideline in my "studies" of human nature and behavior. Lately, I have selected a few test subjects from my life and cross-referenced their behaviors and idiosyncracies with the predetermined "forecasts" set for each Zodiac sign.

This website is a good starting point to help explain each Zodiac sign. If you have time, I'd recommend you take a minute for self-examination (always a useful tool) and check your own tendencies and behaviors against what your sign is prone to.

I don't believe that the sun, moon, stars or planets has anything to do with people becoming the way that they are. I do believe that the time that you enter this world may somewhat dictate the different environmental and natural impressions left on you which may lead to certain outcomes in individuality. Then again, I don't believe that anyone has ever 100% perfectly fit the description of their sign, and these "variations" of the standard, in my opinion, are a result of the many different influences we may be subject to and develop from (i.e. a Capricorn born in the mountain region of Montana has very different environmental and cultural surroundings and factors than, say, a Capricorn born in the Florida Keys).

After all, human thinking is restricted only by that which we have not yet discovered. There was a time when things like radiation or sound waves were thought of as impossible. After all, if you can't see it, how would you know it's there? That is, until we developed the path to the discovery of things we cannot see. So who is to say that we just haven't yet discovered some other silent, invisible force that may have an impact on our physical or psychological capacity or development? Animals knew the tsunami in Indonesia was coming long before it arrived. Large concentrations of domestic and wild animals were found grouped far inland after the wave hit. So what invisible force allowed them to "predict" the future?

To tie this all together, my following of Astrology is due to the idea that the earth, sun, moon, etc. may have a lot to do with these alleged outside forces and influences, this being, in my opinion, the most logical speculation.

I promise, I won't go all pseudo-philosophical like this very often. But every now and then, I get an idea that I like to capitalize on. Although, it wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of being crazy!



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