The Outlawed Mind
Stoopid is as stoopid does
I have this saying that I use rather often. When someone is destined to screw up something, but you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, I call it "giving them enough rope to hang themselves". I use it so frequently, it has more or less become second nature now and I say it without thinking.

In fact, I wasn't thinking this morning when I said it about a black woman that works for me. I'm considering having surgery to remove my foot from my mouth!

Anyway, speaking of feeling stupid...I woke up this morning to my radio going off as usual. Right about this time, there was a woman on the air who was asking the morning show DJs to let her propose to her boyfriend live on the air. Of course, they agreed, called him up and she popped the question.

Not only did she get rejected, but he decided to let her know right then that, not only was he seeing someone else, but he wasn't actually at work. He was at the other girl's house. Apparently he was going to wait until after Valentine's Day to break everything off.

So I pose the question: Which is worse? Being single on Valentine's Day? Or being dumped out of a 3-year relationship, on a publicly broadcasted radio morning show, 3 days before Valentine's Day?

I feel sorry for that woman, but, happily, my life seems much brighter today!



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