The Outlawed Mind
What is the world coming to?
My blog gets visited from Estonia?

Do they even have electricity there?!?!

Anywho, so the Eagles lost and I'm kinda sore about it so if anyone mentions football at this point, then it's totally cool with me if you just drop dead on the spot! At least the commercials were decent. Too bad they didn't air the best one!

UnAired Super Bowl Commercial

And I caught a preview for the new Disney movie "The Pacifier". (This is only monumental because I rarely watch broadcast television so I never know about movies until they've already cleared the theaters.) Ok so, how desperate do you have to be if you're Vin Diesel and you take a role in a "Kindergarten Cop meets Triple X" movie? Nuff said!

I really need to take a second to say thank you to all the people who read my blog! I have a rather small but loyal band of "regulars" here and it's nice to know that some of the weirdness that is me can actually be appealing! As a matter of fact, be it that my following IS rather small, I will take this opportunity to thank each person individually:

Charlie - Thanks for visiting!
Jen - Thanks for visiting!
Deanndra - Thanks for visiting!
Jennifer - Thanks for visiting!
Emily - Thanks for visiting!
Annie - Thanks for visiting!
Jimmy - Thanks for visiting!
Kyle - Thanks for visiting!

If your name isn't a hyperlink, then you need to start a blog or something!

And, if your name isn't on the list, then you need to start leaving comments or something cuz I'm not psychic people!



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