The Outlawed Mind
Working overtime at Dorky Inc.
Didn't I say it was gonna be a sh*tty weekend this weekend? God I hate being right!

Got called in to work yesterday. Sucks for me, but it sparked a good idea! I'm paid on salary so whenever I work on the weekend or work an hourly job, I don't get paid for it. Technically that is a good thing cuz any revenue generated by my work in this capacity is all profit (since we don't have to pay wages out from it). Well I think I'm going to start saving this extra profit away to pay for incentives for my employees, like movie passes or other "generic" rewards for going above and beyond. I think it's a good idea!

Ok I hate to beat a dead horse but just in case there's anyone out there that HASN'T seen the Numa Numa video yet, here it is!

Numa Numa

The guy that did this video is now more famous than the Star-Wars kid.

He even warranted a report on CNN!

How dorky am I you ask?

I actually downloaded the song from the Numa Numa video!

On a final note...a friend of mine on a motorcycle web forum that I frequent is organizing a fund raiser. We're gonna raise money for subscriptions to "Motorcyclist" magazine and send them over to the soldiers in Iraq. So if any of you have any friends/family overseas that would enjoy this magazine, leave a comment or email me to submit an APO or donation (if you trust me that much!).



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