The Outlawed Mind
It's That Time Again...
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AHHH! The Canadians are invading!!!

Actually, this picture pretty much shows that it's that time of the year again when my seasonal allergies go apeshit for awhile! Sunday night, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Dry, sore throat and sinuses...stuffy head...aching all over! They say the flu is going around, but my symptoms change so quickly, I don't have a clue what is wrong!

Which actually brings me to another point. Apparently men are the worst sickies in the whole world. We (for the most part) absolutely refuse to go to the doctor, and then we sit around and bitch about how sick we are, yet we do nothing about it. Well at least nothing CONSTRUCTIVE! I, on the other hand, intend to put my illness to good use (it's all about the sick days, after all!) But seriously, what's the point in wasting a $30-$40 co-pay at the doc's office when all he/she is going to do is prod you a bit and then prescribe some antibiotics; the same antibiotics that the doc used to prescribe for colds when you were 4 years old to which you have inevitably built up a substantial immunity over the past two decades. So, in essence, you have spent $30-$40 to shave MAYBE one extra day off your recovery time...when you could have spent $4.99 on one more box of DayQuil instead!

Anyway, wish me a speedy recovery! A voice clip would be cool right about now, as I sound quite a bit like Ned (the voice box guy) from South Park!



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