The Venessa Meme
Apparently I have been "tagged" to answer a handful of meme questions from a list provided by the lovely Venessa.
So here we go...
1. "If I could be an inn-keeper..."
A. Dude, I'd be pimpin' that $hit out! I'd be runnin' hotel parties day and night, givin' the neighborhood kids a glorious window of opportunity to drink, do drugs and experiment sexually! Just doin' my part in the corruption of society's youth!
...actually, I'd rather be an inn-keeper back in the medieval age. Inn-keepers back then were uber-cool!
2. "If I could be a scientist..."
A. I'd create a pill that would allow everyone to eat as much junk as they wanted and be as sedentary as they pleased and still be slim and sexy! No more exercise and rabbit food!
3. "If I could be a farmer..."
A. Oh, you know I'd be screwing with genetic splicing and crap! Come to think of it, I'd create the first real-life jackalope!
4. "If I could be a missionary..."
A. I'd fly my happy ass over to Afghanistan and hand-select a small team of soldiers, trackers and marksmen and I'd find Bin Laden my damn self!!!
...oh wait, that's a "mercenary"! I always confuse those two!
5. "If I could be a linguist..."
A. I'd develop a language where humans could converse with animals! Although I'm not sure if all pet owners are really prepared for what their pets may have to say!
And just for good measure, I took the Nerd Test too!